Silvia Pfeiffer
LCA Multimedia Miniconf
HTML5 Video Accessibility Update
Slides available at
Silvia Pfeiffer
LCA Multimedia Miniconf
Slides available at
No universal accessibility support
<video src="video.webm"> </video>
Simple to add with the @controls attribute.
<video controls src="video.webm"> </video>
But: how accessible are they right now?
Keyboard control, but no tab access
<video controls src="video.webm"> <track kind="captions" srclang="en" src="video_cc_en.vtt"> <track kind="subtitles" srclang="de" src="video_sub_de.vtt"> </video>
Associate caption files with a video through markup.
New caption file format
Example: video_cc_en.vtt
WEBVTT 1 00:00:13.000 --> 00:00:16.100 I heard about this <>arduino</c> project, and I saw it online - 2 00:00:16.100 --> 00:00:20.100 - and I said '<b>Wow!</b> a lot of people are starting to talk about this. I should <i>check it out</i>!'
More in WebVTT talk
<video controls src="video.webm"> <track kind="descriptions" srclang="en" src="video_audesc_en.vtt"> </video>
WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.000 The orange open movie project presents 2 00:00:05.010 --> 00:0:12.000 Introductory titles are showing on the background of a water pool with fishes swimming and mechanical objects lying on a stone floor. 3 00:00:12.010 --> 00:00:14.800 title: elephants dream
<video controls src="video.webm"> <track kind="chapters" srclang="en" src="video_chapters_en.vtt"> </video>
WEBVTT chapter-1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:18.000 Introductory Titles chapter-2 00:00:18.001 --> 00:01:10.000 The Jack Plugs chapter-3 00:01:10.001 --> 00:02:30.000 Robotic Birds
@mediagroup attribute creates a media controller
Synchronizes different media elements together
<video controls src="video.webm" mediagroup="a11y"> </video> <audio src="audio.ogg" mediagroup="a11y"> </audio>
Two videos get controlled together
through controls on first video
<video controls src="video.webm" mediagroup="a11y"> </video> <video src="sign.webm" mediagroup="a11y"> </video>
Note: Bug in Google Chrome, so use Firefox to test.