Listing 4-1 video element with transcript linked below video
Listing 4-2 video element with interactive transcript
Listing 4-3 video element with track element and @src
Listing 4-4 video element with track element and @default
Listing 4-5 video element with track element and @label
Listing 4-6 video element with track element and @srclang
Listing 4-7 video element with track elements of different @kind
Listing 4-8 JWPlayer using captions, chapters and thumbnails
Listing 4-9 IDL attributes of a track element
Listing 4-10 events of a track element
Listing 4-11 IDL attributes of track element’s @track attribute
Listing 4-12 methods and events of a TextTrack object
Listing 4-13 IDL attributes of a TextTrackCue and TextTrackCueList object
Listing 4-14 Listing all the text tracks of a video element
Listing 4-15 WebVTT file with markup in cue content
Listing 4-16 WebVTT file with vertical text cues
Listing 4-17 WebVTT file with cue settings
Listing 4-18 Inspection of multitrack video files
Listing 4-19 Slaved media elements using @mediagroup
Listing 4-20 Slaved media elements using MediaController
Listing 4-21 Chapter navigation using media fragment URIs