Beginning HTML5 media

Chapter 2

Listing 2-1 empty video element

Listing 2-2 mpeg webm video element with fallback text

Listing 2-3 mpeg webm video element with @src attribute

Listing 2-4 mpeg webm video element with @autoplay

Listing 2-5 mpeg webm video element with @muted

Listing 2-6 mpeg webm video element with @loop

Listing 2-7 mpeg webm video element with @poster

Listing 2-8 mpeg webm video element with @width and @height %

Listing 2-9 mpeg webm video element with @width and @height px

Listing 2-10 mpeg webm video element with @width and @height plain

Listing 2-11 mpeg webm video element with @controls

Listing 2-12 mpeg webm video element with @preload=none

Listing 2-13 mpeg webm video element with @preload=metadata

Listing 2-14 mpeg webm video element with @preload=auto

Listing 2-15 mp3 audio element with @src attribute

Listing 2-16 mp3 audio element with @autoplay

Listing 2-17 mp3 audio element with @loop

Listing 2-18 mp3 audio element with @controls

Listing 2-19 mp3 audio element with @preload=none

Listing 2-20 video element with alternative sources

Listing 2-21 audio element with alternative sources

Listing 2-22 video element with sources and @type

Listing 2-23 audio element with sources and @type

Listing 2-24 video element listing supported MIME types

Listing 2-25 audio element listing supported MIME types

Listing 2-26 video element with sources and @media

Listing 2-27 video element with CSS

Listing 2-28 video element as inline element

Listing 2-29 video element as block element

Listing 2-30 video element floating to right

Listing 2-31 video element 60% opaque

Listing 2-32 video element with gradient

Listing 2-33 video element as background

Listing 2-34 video element at 30degree angle

Listing 2-35 video element animated horizontal move